Our urgent demand

Attention. Corona is not over yet. With Eris, a new variant is on the rise

EG.5 or Eris is currently causing new concern. In the meantime, this new mutation, which arose from the highly contagious r Omikron variant (specifically from the XBB family), has been upgraded by the health organization. Eris now belongs to the group of “viral variants of interest”. So far, all that can be determined is that Eris is better able to subvert vaccine protection and natural immunity. That is, Eris carries a higher risk of infection. Fortunately, the severe courses are still within limits. Unfortunately, however, with the higher contagiousness and the faster spreading also always the danger of new mutations is given, which could cause then also most severe courses. Caution is therefore called for!

The old, known precautions and recommendations remain valid. In general, health organizations (e.g. WHO and RKI especially recommend the measures that can reduce the spread of Eris (but also the other variants). Acute recommendations for hygiene measures, contact restrictions, and vaccinations may adjust as the situation changes. Those at particular risk, such as the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions, or the unvaccinated or those without naturally acquired immunity, should take higher precautions.

Please note that recommendations may change over time, depending on the current situation and scientific evidence. To get the most up-to-date information, we recommend that you consult the official websites of the World Health Organization, the Robert Koch Institute, or other trusted health authorities in your area.

To increase the natural resistance you can make changes in your personal lifestyle. It is well known that a stressful everyday life and an unhealthy lifestyle have a detrimental effect on the body’s immune power. To improve the natural immune protection, often small changes are enough, e.g. adjusting the diet (good, balanced food), reducing stress (meditation, yoga), sufficient exercise (walks in the forest) and enough sleep. With Ayurveda and Panchakarma you have a proven, prevention-oriented health system to improve your personal resistance in a natural, holistic way.

Only together we are strong!

Western modern medicine and alternative medicine (also called complementary or integrative medicine) each have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is important to note that both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, and that their effectiveness may depend greatly on the specific situation, the patient’s condition, and other individual factors. Here are some points where Western medicine may have failed or where alternative medicine, but especially Ayurveda, could be complementary

Biggest failures of Western medicine:

Focus on symptoms instead of causes: Western medicine often focuses on treating the symptoms of a disease without always addressing the underlying causes.

Overuse of medications: In some cases, prescribing medications can result in suppressing symptoms without addressing underlying problems.

Side effects and medication-related illnesses: The use of medications can lead to side effects and sometimes new health problems.

Lack of emphasis on prevention: Western medicine often focuses more on the treatment of diseases than on prevention. Preventive care of the healthy person is a major focus of the philosophy of Ayurvedic medicine and herein lies the success of Ayurveda and Panchakarma. The fact that Ayurveda has been accepted for thousands of years and is still accepted today is the greatest proof of the quality of this approach.

Areas where alternative medicine can be complementary:

Holistic approach: alternative medicine often emphasizes a holistic approach in which body, mind, and spirit are viewed as a connected whole. This can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Emphasized prevention: many alternative medicine approaches emphasize the prevention of disease through lifestyle changes and natural remedies.

Individualized treatment: some alternative approaches consider individual needs and respond to the diversity of human constitutions.

Natural remedies: Some natural remedies and therapies can help alleviate certain symptoms and improve well-being.

Complementary approaches:

The two paradigms could usefully complement each other by combining the best of both worlds. This is often referred to as “integrative medicine”. Here, science-based medical approaches from Western medicine are combined with complementary therapies from alternative medicine. This can help make patient care more comprehensive and individualized.

However, it is important to ensure that any complementary or alternative approaches are based on scientific evidence and proof to ensure safety and efficacy. When in doubt, patients should speak with their healthcare professionals to make the best possible decision for their healthcare. For this reason, we are also committed to establishing an Ayurveda Center of Excellence to ensure uncompromising quality.

Ayurveda – alternative medical hope of the future

When will Ayurveda finally be recognized by the state ?

The Corona crisis is not over yet. New variants of the virus keep appearing, such as the bb.1.16 arcturus variant discovered in India. Even though this variant has not yet reached Germany, it is still causing concern. But is Germany sufficiently prepared for further pandemics or similar health crises?

Ayurveda is the oldest and most comprehensive health system of mankind and has existed for over 3,000 years. Its origins lie in India. It strengthens the immune system to a special degree, which in turn is the best preventive protection against COVID-19, infectious diseases and many other diseases.

Ayurveda has already helped many millions of people with diseases.

Ayurvedic doctors from India and Sri Lanka now want to invest and practice in Germany, guaranteeing high quality and professional Ayurvedic therapies. However, in order to guarantee a high quality standard, the governmental recognition of Ayurveda is of utmost importance. This is the only way to attract enough patients to make an economic provision possible.

If there is no timely government recognition of Ayurveda, qualified Ayurvedic physicians will establish their practice in other countries. It should be noted that the WHO is already a step ahead and has long recognized Ayurveda as a recognized medical practice.

Thousands of years of health experience of mankind should also be brought into modern Medicine as an alternative extension.

The new Skilled Workers Immigration Act facilitates the entry of skilled workers from third countries. Ayurveda is booming in Germany, Europe, USA and worldwide, but Germany is lagging behind in this field. The full potential can only be developed with state recognition.

There are already plans to establish Ayurveda clinics for Ayurveda doctors throughout Germany, for example in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich and Dresden.

On March 1, 2020, the Skilled Worker Immigration Act was introduced in Germany. It regulates the immigration of qualified specialists from non-EU countries. Already this fact is necessary for the foundation of Ayurveda clinics in Germany with authentic Ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka.

In essence, this law facilitates and promotes the immigration of professionals from non-EU countries to combat the shortage of skilled workers. The aim was to ensure that Germany is well positioned in the competition for skilled workers and can better compensate for deficits. To this end, the residence and work opportunities for qualified specialists were improved. Furthermore, the recognition of foreign professional qualifications was made easier. In addition, opportunities for immigration were created even without a concrete job offer.
Since 23.02.2023 there is a new bill, which modernizes the Skilled Workers Immigration Act once again . Once again, the aim is to be able to respond better to new challenges on the skilled labor market. Thus, the course is finally set to invite highly qualified Ayurveda doctors and their well-established Ayurveda team to Germany in a future-proof way.

By the upcoming modernization of the law of lack of specialists I expect a new start as an initial ignition of Germany-wide Ayurveda clinics by the projected “Ayurveda clinic in the Lüneburger Heide”. This is the first necessary step to create a qualified, authentic offer of Ayurvedic medicine also in Germany. As soon as this is guaranteed and there are synergies between the modern western medicine and Ayurveda, all conditions are given, in order to recognize Ayurveda also in Germany as alternative to the western medicine legally. Only then can Ayurveda, which sees itself as a gentle, holistic medicine, be made accessible to a wide circle.

Ayurveda helps to relieve the health care system and hospital problems.

Ayurveda associations have been demanding the governmental recognition of Ayurveda for many years in vain. Joachim Stehr is one of the Ayurveda pioneers since 35 years, when Ayurveda was still unknown in Germany. Already 30 years ago he founded the first German Ayurveda village with his wife Gerlinde Stehr+.

Joachim Stehr is now seriously ill and has become a nursing case.

Let me add a short note about the quality of training. The training to become an Ayurvedadoctor is a qualified training and is recognized by state authorities and governments in India, Sri Lanka and many countries worldwide. The basic training to become an Ayurveda doctor normally takes five and a half years. This is followed by an intensive period of professional practice for at least 1.5 years to gain experience in patient care.

[Press report 8.5.2023]

Wannaporn Stehr

Proj. Ayurveda/Panchakarma/Corona Clinic & Retreat in direct neighborhood of the 1st Ayurveda Village in Germany

Ayurveda/Panchakarma/Corona clinic – short Explanation: The property is sold from private. It is sold without the shell and the old garage. In the shell a training kitchen for Ayurveda shall be built and represent a complementary offer for the Ayurveda Village and the Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic. The price for the property amounts to 350.000 €. If the old building is demolished, high tax relief is conceivable (please ask your tax advisor). If the property is developed into an Ayurveda & Panchakarma clinic, this would be a structural addition to the existing Ayurveda village with great potential for synergies. Of course, individual plans or projects of a different nature can be realized.
Preliminary planning: building locations
Preplaning and Right of Way
the typical Wendland Roundling is a model for this concept
Preview, Central Place

Our urgent demand

Once again the time for early action
has passed in spite of all warnings…

The 4th wave

Support us! Please share this flyer under the hashtag #Ayurveda NOW.

Download the call for action as a PDF here
On Nov. 13, 2021, a group of critical care physicians issued a joint call to responsible policymakers warning of the collapse of the local health care system under the hashtag #EmergencyBrakeNOW. More than 500 scientists and physicians have so far joined the call and expressed suggestions on how to deal with the pandemic. Over 64,000 people have also supported the appeal. This is great expertise and tremendous support.

Quote: Due to the record levels of new infections and the dramatically increasing numbers of corona deaths, a change of course is overdue.

We would like to join the call and the urgent warning and at the same time bring back our own demand to the agenda! Here you can download the flyer in high resolution as jpg.

For this reason we demand the approval of Ayurveda & Panchakarma. Now!

In its therapeutic form, Ayurveda is a proven healing system based on experience. It is the oldest health care system in the world, dating back over 5,000 years. It is one of the health-oriented, alternative medicine healing systems. In the philosophy of Ayurveda, the preservation of a person’s health is paramount and during an illness, the patient is always the focus of treatment. Ayurveda is so successful that even western medicine borrows from it from time to time.
With our demand we would like to do justice to the reality of life by emphasizing that people are different and need individual attention in order to stay healthy or to become healthy. Ayurveda must be recognized as a healing method and be granted to all people with health insurance as an alternative choice of treatment. Do we really want to leave a valuable building block lying around?

And therefore Ayurveda could build an additional barrier against Covid-19 and serve as a strong shield:

it is a preventive healing system, i.e. it aims at improving-
improvement or maintenance of the physical constitution
it increases flexibility and strengthens the immune system
it is a humane healing system, i.e. it is holistic and considers the whole person/patient with all his facets
it is always individual
it is a proactive healing system, i.e. it creates confidence and
demands self-responsibility
it promotes self-reflection
it guides people to take responsibility for their own health
it is a cooperative healing system, i.e. it recognizes the services of
Western medicine and sees itself as a complement to the classical healing system.
Get in touch with us. Support us and please share the idea in social media under the hashtag: #Ayurveda NOW.

Now the politicians must initiate the short change before it is too late again.

Doctors sound the alarm!

Corona situation update: The coronavirus is adapting, possibly outwitting the defenses that clever minds have devised to fight the virus. The delta variant and the onset of vaccination fatigue threatened corona vaccination success.

Infections are on the rise again, after what was believed to be a relaxation. The delta variant is currently playing the central role. The viruses have found a better way into the cells, multiply faster and rely on several strategies to infect the host cells. I.e. the delta variant has adapted well to the new conditions (distance, hygiene and vaccination protection).

We must be prepared for the coronaviruses to be with us permanently. It must remain the most important task that we strengthen our immune system as the last line of defense. Preventive measures to strengthen the immune system are therefore becoming increasingly important. Panchakarma cures strengthen the immune system in the long term in an excellent way. A strong immune system is in turn an excellent preventive protection against, among others, all corona variants.

My own panchakarma clinic
*We are looking for you! Are you an ambitious Ayurvedic doctor and dreaming of your own clinic? Let your dreams come true. Take a chance and invest in your future. Truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Also take a look: https://panchakarma-europe.eu/

From deep conviction

The relationship between modern, western medicine and an alternative medicine is often difficult. Ayurveda has a special position here. The valuable wealth of experience was acquired in thousands of years of tireless observation and for the benefit of the health of their patients, used carefully. The healing systems should not be in competition with each other. Both one and the other have their justification. The wise man knows the merits of both worlds and makes the right decision for the benefit of his patient. We believe that Ayurveda with its gentle approach should play an important role. Therefore we are firmly convinced: Ayurveda – for a better world!

For Ayurveda doctors

If you could agree with this paradigm and you are an experienced Ayurveda doctor and you are looking for independence in a business start-up, then you should also visit our partner site: https://panchakarma-europe.eu

Panchakarma/Ayurveda – Germany, Europe and the world are at war and unite against corona

It’s war! The enemy is an inconspicuous virus.

Covid-19The Covid 19 health crisis is picking up steam dramatically. Doctors, nurses, and caregivers – the key people fighting the threat in the front lines – are talking about war-like conditions and fearing dire things. Signs such as contact restrictions, partial curfews, restrictions on freedom of travel and urgent calls to limit contacts to the most necessary underscore the assessment. The situation cannot and should not be downplayed – it is dramatic. Covid-19 strikes quietly and scary. We are dealing with an invisible but powerful enemy.

All the people who have been hit hard by Corona have experienced firsthand how an overpowering enemy can rage ruthlessly. As long as large parts of the population still lack vaccination protection, caution is the most important defense.

The appeal can therefore only be:
– observe the safety rules
– keep your distance
– avoid unnecessary contacts
– observe personal hygiene
– follow professional advice, regulatory guidelines
– and train and strengthen your immune system

Take part! By doing so, we protect vulnerable people, patients, the healthcare system, our economy and ultimately ourselves. Help prevent the collapse of the health care system. Help prevent doctors and nurses from being overworked to the point of collapse.

The infection events show it to us that the 3rd wave is upon us. The virus is mutating and could become even more dangerous as a result. We must prepare ourselves for this circumstance and, in the midst of all the actionism, we must not forget to make our health care system much broader. How about we finally start integrating holistic systems into our defense strategy as well?

The Western lifestyle has left us vulnerable and Western medicine has only been able to partially fulfill expectations. The experiences that Ayurveda/Pancharkarma has to share with us are now more important than ever. Let us listen to what the ancient wisdoms have to tell us. If the virus mutates to the point of overriding vaccine protection, the best thing we can do to counter it is our immune defenses. Our immune system is the shield against any aggressive attacker.

Train, improve, strengthen – all this can Ayurveda/Panchakarma.

An ounce of prevention weighs more than a pound of cure.

The application for public funding of this project was rejected due to a “lack of public interest” at the state and federal level .

Sale or cooperation

Investments already from please ask us

The medical-therapeutic Ayurveda and Panchakarma finds more and more followers!
For many years, the trend can be observed that a booming market is developing in the sector of serious alternative medicine. This is especially true for traditional Ayurveda/Panchakarma.


The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International has set itself the goal to close the demand gap in Europe and to offer authentic services in this underrepresented sector.

You are an investor or an Ayurvedic doctor and you are open for challenges? Are you looking for a promising project with development potential? So how about an interesting investment in the environment of this booming alternative medicine?

We can offer you this unique opportunity with the projectitized specialized clinic for Panchakarma International.

Current News:

The coronavirus continues to rage unchecked in Germany, Europe and worldwide. This is frightening! Although the newly developed vaccines against the coronavirus provide a first glimmer of hope for normality, uncertainty remains. The newly developed vaccines are promising and could, over time, end the coronavirus epidemic. But that may take time. And in the meantime, the medical advice remains valid to strengthen one’s immune system to be best prepared for this and other diseases.

The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International offers, among other things, special Panchakarma cures to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is the best preventive protection against the coronavirus and all other threats to our health.

Your chance to invest:

For investors, capital investors and Ayurveda doctors therefore we are proud to offer an interesting investment for the future.
The property is fully developed , about 4,000 sqm with old buildings and with development potential for a Panchakarma clinic.
Investment as of please ask us

Infos und contact via EMail: [email protected]

A new trend, take your chance – What speaks for your commitment:

In recent years, our society has become more and more interested in new ways of health as a supplement to western medicine. Germany has also opened up to traditional methods from India. The proven procedures of Ayurveda and Panchakarma are finding more and more followers in Germany. This development is a great opportunity for experienced Ayurveda doctors and investors here in Germany to follow this trend and invest for the future.

Live and work where others spend their holidays (https://www.land-kamerun.de).

In Land Kamerun you will find a little paradise for parents with children – horses, ponies, riding, having fun and relaxing. The Land Kamerun equestrian farm is only 2 km away from the workplace. There are schools, e.g. primary and secondary schools in Hitzacker and Dannenberg. There is a bus shuttle for pupils. If you are interested in an academic education for your children or in further education at an international level, you will find excellent universities in the immediate vicinity.

Studying in Luneburg at the University of Luneburg

Studying in Hamburg at the University of Hamburg, at the Hamburg University of Technology

An alternative form of living would be a residual farm (for sale or rent) in one of the beautiful rundling villages. A purchase is cheaper than you think – and only a stone’s throw away from your workplace. Living in a Rundling

You can find information about the villages here: https://wendland-elbe.de/en/kategorie/art-culture/rundling-villages/ or here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundling

Ayurveda doctor families with children from India and Sri Lanka, who would like to build up an existence in Germany, now receive visa facilitation from the German state. So if you would like to invest in the project in order to set up your own business, which we would very much welcome, some equity capital is required. But you can start small and grow with the project. In this way, the risk of starting your own business remains manageable.

For other, qualified Ayurveda specialists (e.g. therapists and cooks) it is now possible to obtain permanent residence permits for Germany without having to invest.

This is to ensure that Ayurveda/Panchakarma therapies can be carried out authentically and professionally.

If you are a specialist in the field of Ayurveda/Panchakarma and come from the regions of origin of these traditional therapies, then we would like to get in contact with you. If you finally become part of the project team, you will make a valuable contribution to the future acceptance of this traditional medicine in Germany and help to reduce the shortage of specialists in this field.

Doctors sound the alarm!

Corona situation update: The coronavirus is adapting, possibly outwitting the defenses that clever minds have devised to fight the virus. The delta variant and the onset of vaccination fatigue threatened corona vaccination success.

Infections are on the rise again, after what was believed to be a relaxation. The delta variant is currently playing the central role. The viruses have found a better way into the cells, multiply faster and rely on several strategies to infect the host cells. I.e. the delta variant has adapted well to the new conditions (distance, hygiene and vaccination protection).

We must be prepared for the coronaviruses to be with us permanently. It must remain the most important task that we strengthen our immune system as the last line of defense. Preventive measures to strengthen the immune system are therefore becoming increasingly important. Panchakarma cures strengthen the immune system in the long term in an excellent way. A strong immune system is in turn an excellent preventive protection against, among others, all corona variants.

My own panchakarma clinic
*We are looking for you! Are you an ambitious Ayurvedic doctor and dreaming of your own clinic? Let your dreams come true. Take a chance and invest in your future. Truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Also take a look: https://panchakarma-europe.eu/

From deep conviction

The relationship between modern, western medicine and an alternative medicine is often difficult. Ayurveda has a special position here. The valuable wealth of experience was acquired in thousands of years of tireless observation and for the benefit of the health of their patients, used carefully. The healing systems should not be in competition with each other. Both one and the other have their justification. The wise man knows the merits of both worlds and makes the right decision for the benefit of his patient. We believe that Ayurveda with its gentle approach should play an important role. Therefore we are firmly convinced: Ayurveda – for a better world!

For Ayurveda doctors

If you could agree with this paradigm and you are an experienced Ayurveda doctor and you are looking for independence in a business start-up, then you should also visit our partner site: https://panchakarma-europe.eu

Panchakarma/Ayurveda – Germany, Europe and the world are at war and unite against corona

It’s war! The enemy is an inconspicuous virus.

Covid-19The Covid 19 health crisis is picking up steam dramatically. Doctors, nurses, and caregivers – the key people fighting the threat in the front lines – are talking about war-like conditions and fearing dire things. Signs such as contact restrictions, partial curfews, restrictions on freedom of travel and urgent calls to limit contacts to the most necessary underscore the assessment. The situation cannot and should not be downplayed – it is dramatic. Covid-19 strikes quietly and scary. We are dealing with an invisible but powerful enemy.

All the people who have been hit hard by Corona have experienced firsthand how an overpowering enemy can rage ruthlessly. As long as large parts of the population still lack vaccination protection, caution is the most important defense.

The appeal can therefore only be:
– observe the safety rules
– keep your distance
– avoid unnecessary contacts
– observe personal hygiene
– follow professional advice, regulatory guidelines
– and train and strengthen your immune system

Take part! By doing so, we protect vulnerable people, patients, the healthcare system, our economy and ultimately ourselves. Help prevent the collapse of the health care system. Help prevent doctors and nurses from being overworked to the point of collapse.

The infection events show it to us that the 3rd wave is upon us. The virus is mutating and could become even more dangerous as a result. We must prepare ourselves for this circumstance and, in the midst of all the actionism, we must not forget to make our health care system much broader. How about we finally start integrating holistic systems into our defense strategy as well?

The Western lifestyle has left us vulnerable and Western medicine has only been able to partially fulfill expectations. The experiences that Ayurveda/Pancharkarma has to share with us are now more important than ever. Let us listen to what the ancient wisdoms have to tell us. If the virus mutates to the point of overriding vaccine protection, the best thing we can do to counter it is our immune defenses. Our immune system is the shield against any aggressive attacker.

Train, improve, strengthen – all this can Ayurveda/Panchakarma.

An ounce of prevention weighs more than a pound of cure.

The application for public funding of this project was rejected due to a “lack of public interest” at the state and federal level .

Sale or cooperation

Investments already from please ask us

The medical-therapeutic Ayurveda and Panchakarma finds more and more followers!
For many years, the trend can be observed that a booming market is developing in the sector of serious alternative medicine. This is especially true for traditional Ayurveda/Panchakarma.


The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International has set itself the goal to close the demand gap in Europe and to offer authentic services in this underrepresented sector.

You are an investor or an Ayurvedic doctor and you are open for challenges? Are you looking for a promising project with development potential? So how about an interesting investment in the environment of this booming alternative medicine?

We can offer you this unique opportunity with the projectitized specialized clinic for Panchakarma International.

Current News:

The coronavirus continues to rage unchecked in Germany, Europe and worldwide. This is frightening! Although the newly developed vaccines against the coronavirus provide a first glimmer of hope for normality, uncertainty remains. The newly developed vaccines are promising and could, over time, end the coronavirus epidemic. But that may take time. And in the meantime, the medical advice remains valid to strengthen one’s immune system to be best prepared for this and other diseases.

The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International offers, among other things, special Panchakarma cures to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is the best preventive protection against the coronavirus and all other threats to our health.

Your chance to invest:

For investors, capital investors and Ayurveda doctors therefore we are proud to offer an interesting investment for the future.
The property is fully developed , about 4,000 sqm with old buildings and with development potential for a Panchakarma clinic.
Investment as of please ask us

Infos und contact via EMail: [email protected]

A new trend, take your chance – What speaks for your commitment:

In recent years, our society has become more and more interested in new ways of health as a supplement to western medicine. Germany has also opened up to traditional methods from India. The proven procedures of Ayurveda and Panchakarma are finding more and more followers in Germany. This development is a great opportunity for experienced Ayurveda doctors and investors here in Germany to follow this trend and invest for the future.

Live and work where others spend their holidays (https://www.land-kamerun.de).

In Land Kamerun you will find a little paradise for parents with children – horses, ponies, riding, having fun and relaxing. The Land Kamerun equestrian farm is only 2 km away from the workplace. There are schools, e.g. primary and secondary schools in Hitzacker and Dannenberg. There is a bus shuttle for pupils. If you are interested in an academic education for your children or in further education at an international level, you will find excellent universities in the immediate vicinity.

Studying in Luneburg at the University of Luneburg

Studying in Hamburg at the University of Hamburg, at the Hamburg University of Technology

An alternative form of living would be a residual farm (for sale or rent) in one of the beautiful rundling villages. A purchase is cheaper than you think – and only a stone’s throw away from your workplace. Living in a Rundling

You can find information about the villages here: https://wendland-elbe.de/en/kategorie/art-culture/rundling-villages/ or here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundling

Ayurveda doctor families with children from India and Sri Lanka, who would like to build up an existence in Germany, now receive visa facilitation from the German state. So if you would like to invest in the project in order to set up your own business, which we would very much welcome, some equity capital is required. But you can start small and grow with the project. In this way, the risk of starting your own business remains manageable.

For other, qualified Ayurveda specialists (e.g. therapists and cooks) it is now possible to obtain permanent residence permits for Germany without having to invest.

This is to ensure that Ayurveda/Panchakarma therapies can be carried out authentically and professionally.

If you are a specialist in the field of Ayurveda/Panchakarma and come from the regions of origin of these traditional therapies, then we would like to get in contact with you. If you finally become part of the project team, you will make a valuable contribution to the future acceptance of this traditional medicine in Germany and help to reduce the shortage of specialists in this field.

Competence Center Europe – Sales and Cooperation

Center of Competence for Europe and Germany

For a few years now, the boom around holistic therapies that focus on the patient and your health has also reached Europe and Germany. Ayurveda/Panchakarma is more than just a trend. The demand for alternative treatment concepts beyond the apparatus medicine flourishes. More and more followers swear by the oldest healing and health system in the world. It is the individual, humane approach and the enormous knowledge of the interrelationships that has been gathered in several thousand years of observations about human health.

Experience for over 25 years

Here in Wendland a competence center for Ayurveda and Panchakarma is to be established. The competence center for Europe and Germany is projected. In conjunction and relationship with the 1st German Ayurveda Village, which has been in existence for 25 years (for more Information click here: https://www.sagasfeld.de) and the projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma lucrative synergies are to be expected. As a competence center it should achieve European charisma. The quality of the medical-therapeutic application in the specialized clinic is in the center of the development.

Find location at: Google Maps

The cure and therapy in the specialized clinic can be arranged independently of the clinic stay. The Wendland is a charming vacation destination. There is a lot of quiet and relaxing nature to discover. A wide and sparsely populated landscape guarantees recreation, e.g. also for family members. In the immediate vicinity is the horse farm ‘Land Kamerun’ (for more Information click here: https://www.reiterhof-lueneburger-heide.de/). Here you can rent a vacation accommodation as an alternative to a stay in the clinic.

Health for you, recreation for your loved ones. This is a unique combination.

Selling or Cooperation

An ayurvedic Information and Counseling Center Germany
is being build here

  • – Implementation of authentic Ayurved treatments
  • – Focus: Panchakarma
  • – Ayurveda/Panchakarma marketing concepts, tuned for Germany and Europe
  • – Specialist involvement of Ayush, Ministry of Ayurveda (New Delhi/India), Indian Ayurveda associations and organizations
  • – Funding consultancy and financing of business start-ups from India and Sri Lanka
Panchakarma Europa
Panchakarma is booming not only in Germany. The member states of the European Union also offer the best development opportunities.
Addressed are ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka, who want to establish an existence in an EU country in the specialty panchakarma.
There are European ayurveda associations that are familiar with the conditions of establishment in the individual EU countries.
We will gladly arrange a contact person for you.

This Retreat is in the projecting status. We are now seeking partnerships with companies, institutes and teams interested in building and developing panchakarma in Germany / Europe. Connections to India or Sri Lanka are not necessary, but are very welcome and would be preferred.

It should be built 3 typical Wendish hall houses. The investment framework amounts to approx. € 2.0 and € 7.5 million, can be divided into shares, the smallest amount is approx please ask us

Tip: Even for Ayurveda doctors and married couples without much equity capital, great opportunities can arise, e.g. you can start small and continue to invest with growing success. There are other interesting opportunities that can be adapted to your individual situation.  We will be happy to advise you.

Background information: Interest rates in Germany are currently at a historic low. Investments are promoted and financing through banks is facilitated. The prerequisite, however, is a high level of qualification. If you have a high qualification in Ayurveda/Panchakarma, then you have very good prerequisites.

Further Information: Accommodation concecpt.

In addition, special wishes and ideas of an investor can be taken into account very flexibly, so that the investment volume can be dynamically adapted to the project development. This includes the structural elements required for a Panchakarma Clinic as well as other extensions, e.g. a functional indoor swimming pool or a small Hindu meditation temple.

Project completion is forecast for 2021/2022.

The project has several goals. On the one hand, it should be economically successful and, in addition, it should also promote international understanding (cultural exchange).

We speak in particular to:

– Investors for the construction and operation of the plant
– Ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka
– and / or non-medical practitioner from Germany
– general persons in the circle of interest ayurveda and panchakarma

We offer:

– German business relations
– foothold or bridgehead in Germany
– a structurally developed area – ready to start
– health-/recreation sector with excellent development potential
– know how to assess opportunities
– experience in wellness- and spa management – since 40 years
– experiences in ayurveda and panchakarma – since 25 years
(look at: about us)

The chance for your first foothold:

If you, as an established ayurveaddoctor, already have a foothold in your home country, this cooperation can provide good opportunities for worthwhile contacts. Take advantage of your good reputation and inspire German patients/guests to your  business/ health facility in your home country. Your own good experience on site will increase your confidence. Furthermore, experience has shown that honest recommendations to friends and relatives in Germany are a good starting point for follow-up contacts. We are happy to support a contact in the homeland of the original ayurveda and the advertising for your ayurveda facility.

Information about the location

location factors

Location: eastern Luneburg Heath
Staatsforst Göhrde – the largest contiguous mixed forest area in northern Germany. As a former hunting ground of the last German emperors it has historical significance. Just like the Hanoverian Wendland, with its well-preserved village typ “the rundling“. Currently, the Wendland is applying for the recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Other noteworthy places make the surrounding a recreational area:

– Elbufer-Drawehn Nature Park – the Elbtalauen valley
– Nemitzer Heath – eastern heathland
– Breeser Grund – the heart of the Luneburg Heath in the Göhrder Staatsforst
– Hitzacker, dreamy, historic, medieval town on the Elbe

Accessibility and transport: Our Retreat lies in the center of Europe and is located in the direct catchment area of Berlin, Hamburg and Hanover.

Pre-planning and Building:

Sorce: Google Earth: pre-planning



Right of Way
Preplaning and Right of Way


Valid developement plan

Find location at: Google Maps

The property is easily accessible directly at the village transit. The road was completely renovated in June / August 2018.

Neighborhood: Ayurveda-Wellnesdorf Sagasfeld (direct property neighbor)

Do You Have Questions?


Accommodation concept

Traditional, rural, liveable

The Wendland is famous for its Rundlings (Explanation in German).

In Wikipedia you can read about the Rundlings: [Source: Rundlingsdorf]:

The Rundling, or this type of village is thus also an expression of the special connectedness within the village community. In our opinion, this fits perfectly with the philosophy of Panchakarma. Or in other words: The Rundling is to be the model for the current planning status of the Panchakarma Retreat and represents a harmonious connection from Wendland to panchakarma.

the typical Wendland Roundling is a model for this concept

For the accommodation of the guests 3 Wendish hall houses are to be built.
The planned form of the building is based on the characteristic of the Wendland type of house, it is the peasant, traditional multi-storey house (Source: Low German house).

The picture gallery shows for the Wendland typical houses. They are the model for the accommodation concept (illustrative examples).

Contact us

You are looking for a market access in Germany ?

We offer cooperation with investors, e.g. for Indian or Sri Lankan ayurveda doctors (also for teams) who want to practice and invest in Germany.

Since the adoption of the new Immigration Act, we have also explicitly addressed German and European investors who would like to become involved in the booming future market for alternative treatments.

Our planned investment is approximately between € 2.0 and € 7.5 million. Dividable into shares of € 400,000 each. You want to buy shares or you have other investment ideas? Would you like more information?
Please contact us confidentially.

EMail: [email protected]

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We will handle your request confidentially. All data collected in this context is for the sole purpose of developing this project. The data will not be disclosed to third parties and will be deleted immediately if they are obsolete. To request a premature cancellation, please use: [email protected]