Red lentil dal with naan bread

Receipt 23

fresh parsley from

Red lentil dal with naan bread

For 2 People
Every fresh component in our food enriches our life. For this reason, we then speak of food. It cannot be emphasized enough that the closer our food is to nature in the step of preparation, the better. Whenever we resort to food that brings a high degree of convenience and contains things that we do not find naturally in nature, sometimes even can not pronounce. It can quickly become detrimental to our health. Whenever we enrich our food with fresh herbs we are doing something good for ourselves. For this reason, Asian cuisine, French cuisine, Italian cuisine and especially Indian cuisine is known to use a lot of fresh herbs. They provide aromas, essential oils, minerals, valuable micronutrients and vitamins that are good for us. It is worthwhile to use fresh herbs as often as possible.

We need for red lentil hal with naan bread
a) Lentil Dal
1 small red onion
1 clove of garlic
1 fresh ginger finger (about the size of a thumb)
125g red lentils
some fresh coriander
some fresh flat leaf parsley
1 tsp. ground turmeric powder
1 pinch coriander, ground
½ tsp. cumin seeds
½ tsp. chili flakes
½ tsp. garam masala
2 tbsp. ghee or clarified butter
1 gr. fleshy tomato
100 ml coconut milk
½ tsp. coconut blossom sugar or brown sugar
1 tbsp. lime juice/lemon juice
1 pinch of pepper
½ tsp. rock salt (Himalayan salt).

b) also, for two flat naan breads
2 tbsp. hand warm water
1 tsp. coconut blossom sugar or brown sugar
1 tsp. dry yeast
1 tsp. lemon juice
300g wheat flour
1 tsp. salt (sprinkled)
3 tbsp. yogurt
1 tbsp. olive oil
100 ml cream

Naan Bread:
For the naan bread, mix all the dry ingredients, add the lemon juice, lukewarm water, oil and yogurt and knead everything well. Gradually add the cream and knead everything into a smooth dough. Divide the dough into 2 equal flat dough pieces. Cover the flat dough pieces and let them rise in a warm place for about 1 hour. Flatten the naan bread again and then cook it evenly on both sides in a lightly greased pan. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes on both sides until a golden, lightly browned crust forms.

Lentil dal, from red lentils
Peel the onion and the clove of garlic. The onion is diced into small pieces. The garlic is crushed. The fresh cilantro and flat leaf parsley is also coarsely chopped. Keep back some of the parsley and cilantro. The fresh ginger is peeled and then grated. Mix all these ingredients together (except for a small portion of the chopped herbs) and add some lime juice/lemon juice. Dice the beef tomato. If you want it a little more digestible, remove the seeds and skin from the tomato. Mix all the dry spices together.
Put ghee or clarified butter in a hot pot and roast the onion-ginger mixture there until hot. Use the sugar to lightly caramelize the mixture. Add the spices and the lentils. Deglaze the mixture with a cup of lightly salted water and let everything simmer on medium about heat for 15 minutes. Finally, add the tomatoes and let everything simmer for another 10 minutes. When the lentils are soft, the dish is ready. Then add the reserved herbs and add a dash of the coconut milk to each plate.

Tip: To make legumes more digestible, soak them at least overnight. You should pour away the soaking water. In this way, disadvantageous lectins are eliminated.