Current developments, news

Medicine for the World

Medizin für die Welt


  • Press report 8.5.2023
    Ayurveda – alternative medical hope of the future
    When will Ayurveda finally be recognized by the state?

    The Corona crisis is not over yet. New variants of the virus keep appearing, such as the bb.1.16 arcturus variant discovered in India. Even though this variant has not yet reached Germany, it is still causing concern. But is Germany sufficiently prepared for further pandemics or similar health crises?Ayurveda is the oldest and most comprehensive health system of mankind and has existed for over 3,000 years. Its origins lie in India. It strengthens the immune system to a special degree, which in turn is the best preventive protection against COVID-19, infectious diseases and many other diseases.

    Ayurveda has already helped many millions of people with diseases.

    Ayurvedic doctors from India and Sri Lanka now want to invest and practice in Germany, guaranteeing high quality and professional Ayurvedic therapies. However, in order to guarantee a high quality standard, the governmental recognition of Ayurveda is of utmost importance. This is the only way to attract enough patients to make an economic provision possible.

    If there is no timely government recognition of Ayurveda, qualified Ayurvedic physicians will establish their practice in other countries. It should be noted that the WHO is already a step ahead and has long recognized Ayurveda as a recognized medical practice.

    Thousands of years of health experience of mankind should also be brought into modern Medicine as an alternative extension.

    The new Skilled Workers Immigration Act facilitates the entry of skilled workers from third countries. Ayurveda is booming in Germany, Europe, USA and worldwide, but Germany is lagging behind in this field. The full potential can only be developed with state recognition.

    There are already plans to establish Ayurveda clinics for Ayurveda doctors throughout Germany, for example in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich and Dresden.

    On March 1, 2020, the Skilled Worker Immigration Act was introduced in Germany. It regulates the immigration of qualified specialists from non-EU countries. Already this fact is necessary for the foundation of Ayurveda clinics in Germany with authentic Ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka.

    In essence, this law facilitates and promotes the immigration of professionals from non-EU countries to combat the shortage of skilled workers. The aim was to ensure that Germany is well positioned in the competition for skilled workers and can better compensate for deficits. To this end, the residence and work opportunities for qualified specialists were improved. Furthermore, the recognition of foreign professional qualifications was made easier. In addition, opportunities for immigration were created even without a concrete job offer.
    Since 23.02.2023 there is a new bill, which modernizes the Skilled Workers Immigration Act once again . Once again, the aim is to be able to respond better to new challenges on the skilled labor market. Thus, the course is finally set to invite highly qualified Ayurveda doctors and their well-established Ayurveda team to Germany in a future-proof way.

    By the upcoming modernization of the law of lack of specialists I expect a new start as an initial ignition of Germany-wide Ayurveda clinics by the projected “Ayurveda clinic in the Lüneburger Heide”. This is the first necessary step to create a qualified, authentic offer of Ayurvedic medicine also in Germany. As soon as this is guaranteed and there are synergies between the modern western medicine and Ayurveda, all conditions are given, in order to recognize Ayurveda also in Germany as alternative to the western medicine legally. Only then can Ayurveda, which sees itself as a gentle, holistic medicine, be made accessible to a wide circle.

    Ayurveda helps to relieve the health care system and hospital problems.

    Ayurveda associations have been demanding the governmental recognition of Ayurveda for many years in vain. Joachim Stehr is one of the Ayurveda pioneers since 35 years, when Ayurveda was still unknown in Germany. Already 30 years ago he founded the first German Ayurveda village with his wife Gerlinde Stehr+.

    Joachim Stehr is now seriously ill and has become a nursing case.

    Let me add a short note about the quality of training. The training to become an Ayurvedadoctor is a qualified training and is recognized by state authorities and governments in India, Sri Lanka and many countries worldwide. The basic training to become an Ayurveda doctor normally takes five and a half years. This is followed by an intensive period of professional practice for at least 1.5 years to gain experience in patient care.

    Wannaporn Stehr

  • Letter to the parliamentary groups of the Bundestag, 04 August 2020
    “Because we want to live” – you can read the contents of the letter here.

Ayurveda and Pachakarma give us the gentle, proven help of a tradition that is over a thousand years old. It helps with many health problems, even when traditional medicine is at a loss. (Medicine for the World)

Ideally, a partnership at eye level would be ideal, in order to provide the greatest benefit for us patients through a balanced supplement between traditional medicine and Ayurveda.
Please also note our press release (Efforts for the approval of therapeutic panchakarma treatments — currently only available in German, sorry for the inconvenience. Two versions.)

Current developments, news

  • 07.05.2020
    Have we overcome the corona crisis?
    Is the second wave coming, and if so, is it likely to be worse than before?
    What can we do?
    We must actively support modern medicine, which has its hands full with the acute management of a pandemic. We must not rely on the availability of a tolerable drug or a reliable vaccine in the near future. Of course, we must also keep an eye on the economic challenges.For this reason, we as a society are currently focusing on prevention. Prevention is better than cure! Caution, prudence, foresight and of course a strong immune system – according to the current state of science – is the best protection against the corona virus.This is where therapeutic Panchakarma can make its contribution. It can fall back on a proven arsenal of possibilities, both in health care and in healing.It is imperative that we find the best Ayurvedic doctors who can provide the highest possible treatment success. guarantee.However, in order to exploit its full potential, therapeutic panchakarma need a state recognition by the authority in Germany. The medical opportunities arising from this largely outweigh the financial risks. It should not fail now because of money. Only when this therapy is recognized in Germany can capacities be developed to help us in the fight against old and new infectious diseases. From that point on, it would no longer be a financial question of whether anyone would benefit from effective therapies. As a complementary instrument of prevention and treatment, therapeutic Panchakarma can also help to cushion the economic risks. Fewer sick people are always worth the effort, both from a medical-ethical and economic point of view. Let us put the effectiveness of Panchakarma to the test. We therefore demand the state recognition of Ayurveda and Panchakarma and support the Ayurveda/Panchakarma associations in their concern for medical recognition.

The state recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma is coming closer.
See also:  About us …

  • The Skilled Workers Immigration Act, which will come into force on 1.3.2020, paves the way for Ayurveda to be recognised as equivalent to traditional medicine. According to this law, Ayurveda specialists from India and Sri Lanka will be able to settle in Germany, e.g. to practice or to work in a health centre. This means that Ayurveda/Panchakarma therapies can be carried out authentically in Germany. Thus the important distinction of therapeutic Ayurveda from leisure and wellness treatments is possible and raises this therapy to the level of a medical application.Translated with (free version)
  • From 1 March 2020, the Skilled Workers Immigration Act will come into force. This means that an important hurdle for the recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma has been taken. The medical qualification of Ayurveda doctors is secured. The prerequisite to become an Ayurveda Dr. is a 7-year study.