Competence Center Europe – Sales and Cooperation

Center of Competence for Europe and Germany

For a few years now, the boom around holistic therapies that focus on the patient and your health has also reached Europe and Germany. Ayurveda/Panchakarma is more than just a trend. The demand for alternative treatment concepts beyond the apparatus medicine flourishes. More and more followers swear by the oldest healing and health system in the world. It is the individual, humane approach and the enormous knowledge of the interrelationships that has been gathered in several thousand years of observations about human health.

Experience for over 25 years

Here in Wendland a competence center for Ayurveda and Panchakarma is to be established. The competence center for Europe and Germany is projected. In conjunction and relationship with the 1st German Ayurveda Village, which has been in existence for 25 years (for more Information click here: and the projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma lucrative synergies are to be expected. As a competence center it should achieve European charisma. The quality of the medical-therapeutic application in the specialized clinic is in the center of the development.

Find location at: Google Maps

The cure and therapy in the specialized clinic can be arranged independently of the clinic stay. The Wendland is a charming vacation destination. There is a lot of quiet and relaxing nature to discover. A wide and sparsely populated landscape guarantees recreation, e.g. also for family members. In the immediate vicinity is the horse farm ‘Land Kamerun’ (for more Information click here: Here you can rent a vacation accommodation as an alternative to a stay in the clinic.

Health for you, recreation for your loved ones. This is a unique combination.

Selling or Cooperation

An ayurvedic Information and Counseling Center Germany
is being build here

  • – Implementation of authentic Ayurved treatments
  • – Focus: Panchakarma
  • – Ayurveda/Panchakarma marketing concepts, tuned for Germany and Europe
  • – Specialist involvement of Ayush, Ministry of Ayurveda (New Delhi/India), Indian Ayurveda associations and organizations
  • – Funding consultancy and financing of business start-ups from India and Sri Lanka
Panchakarma Europa
Panchakarma is booming not only in Germany. The member states of the European Union also offer the best development opportunities.
Addressed are ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka, who want to establish an existence in an EU country in the specialty panchakarma.
There are European ayurveda associations that are familiar with the conditions of establishment in the individual EU countries.
We will gladly arrange a contact person for you.

This Retreat is in the projecting status. We are now seeking partnerships with companies, institutes and teams interested in building and developing panchakarma in Germany / Europe. Connections to India or Sri Lanka are not necessary, but are very welcome and would be preferred.

It should be built 3 typical Wendish hall houses. The investment framework amounts to approx. € 2.0 and € 7.5 million, can be divided into shares, the smallest amount is approx please ask us

Tip: Even for Ayurveda doctors and married couples without much equity capital, great opportunities can arise, e.g. you can start small and continue to invest with growing success. There are other interesting opportunities that can be adapted to your individual situation.  We will be happy to advise you.

Background information: Interest rates in Germany are currently at a historic low. Investments are promoted and financing through banks is facilitated. The prerequisite, however, is a high level of qualification. If you have a high qualification in Ayurveda/Panchakarma, then you have very good prerequisites.

Further Information: Accommodation concecpt.

In addition, special wishes and ideas of an investor can be taken into account very flexibly, so that the investment volume can be dynamically adapted to the project development. This includes the structural elements required for a Panchakarma Clinic as well as other extensions, e.g. a functional indoor swimming pool or a small Hindu meditation temple.

Project completion is forecast for 2021/2022.

The project has several goals. On the one hand, it should be economically successful and, in addition, it should also promote international understanding (cultural exchange).

We speak in particular to:

– Investors for the construction and operation of the plant
– Ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka
– and / or non-medical practitioner from Germany
– general persons in the circle of interest ayurveda and panchakarma

We offer:

– German business relations
– foothold or bridgehead in Germany
– a structurally developed area – ready to start
– health-/recreation sector with excellent development potential
– know how to assess opportunities
– experience in wellness- and spa management – since 40 years
– experiences in ayurveda and panchakarma – since 25 years
(look at: about us)

The chance for your first foothold:

If you, as an established ayurveaddoctor, already have a foothold in your home country, this cooperation can provide good opportunities for worthwhile contacts. Take advantage of your good reputation and inspire German patients/guests to your  business/ health facility in your home country. Your own good experience on site will increase your confidence. Furthermore, experience has shown that honest recommendations to friends and relatives in Germany are a good starting point for follow-up contacts. We are happy to support a contact in the homeland of the original ayurveda and the advertising for your ayurveda facility.