Ayurveda doctors call: Immune system boosting!

Coronavirus – latest news

Corona Virus Status: October/November 2020
The 2nd wave is there and strikes with full force. The current development assumes a threatening development.
Whereas at the beginning of October, figures of around 2,000 new infections per day and a reproduction rate of 1.1 were reported – the health authorities now report over 11,500 cases in Germany every day. The reproduction rate has now reached a factor of 1.36, i.e. 100 infected persons infect 136 new cases. The numbers will continue to rise if we do not succeed in averting the danger immediately. Germany still scores among the best in Europe, which we owe to the great discipline in large parts of the population, but nevertheless, the people and the economy in Europe suffer from this situation and have become corona tired.

In Europe, France and Spain are particularly hard hit, with over 1 million infected. Great Britain with almost 900,000 infected and of course Germany with over 440,000 infected. However, Corona is raging worldwide and therefore remains threatening as a pandemic event beyond our direct sphere of influence. In the meantime, more than 43 million people have been infected worldwide and at least 1.45 million people have died from the virus. People’s worries are increasing and their patience is decreasing dramatically. When will an effective medicine finally be available?

In our concern to improve the general health and thus to increase the resistance against all adversities, we ask again: When will Ayurveda/Panchakarmacures, which can have a proven positive influence on our immune system, be recognized as an equivalent effective therapy?

In the fight against threatening infectious diseases we need all the options available to us. Ayurveda/Panchkarma scientifically proven to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is the best preventive protection against the corona virus. And the cheapest to achieve.

Let us act now!

Letter of 28.08.2020
Letter for the support for the recognition of Ayurveda to:
EU Health Commissioner Ms Kyriakides, Brussels
ECDC European Centre for Prevention and Control
of diseases, Solna / Sverige
WHO Regional Office for Europe , Copenhagen
RKI Robert Koch Institute, Berlin
Here you can read the letter (please click)

Letter to the parliamentary groups of the Bundestag, 04 August 2020
“Because we want to live” – you can read the contents of the letter here.

Second wave is here! When’s The Third Wave coming?
We demand from the politicians the immediate recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma because we want to live.

Please join the Citizens’ Initiative for Ayurveda!

The best preventive protection against the corona virus is a strong immune system. Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments are excellently suited for this purpose. Unfortunately, only a small exclusive circle of people can take advantage of these treatments – because of the costs involved.

A strong immune system can prevent corona infections in advance and thus reduce much suffering.

A flood of insolvencies in many sectors is feared as late as autumn 2020. Generous coronanot loans from KFW Bank are to be welcomed.

However, these loans are unsuitable for saving companies from insolvency because the loans have only a short term and repayment is usually not possible. They bridge short-term liquidity bottlenecks and thus postpone insolvency only for a short time.

The politicians’ voluntary commitment should be to provide the best possible protection for citizens and support the economy. For politicians, these two good reasons should be incentive enough. Support our goals for the recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma because we want to live.

We demand the certification of Ayurveda and Panchakarma as medical-therapeutic cures. For this purpose we have founded a citizens’ initiative.
If you would like to support the idea, then you can help us.
Follow the link to the citizens’ initiative for the certification of Ayurveda.

In addition, we started three petitions on 24 June, which present our goals and demands to the political decision-makers.

  1. https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/anerkennung-von-ayurveda-als-medizinisches-heilverfahren?language=de_DE.utf8
  2. https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/forderung-nach-einer-wirksamkeitsstudie-fuer-ayurveda-panchakarma?language=de_DE.utf8
  3. https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/wirtschaftliche-sonderfoerderung-fuer-die-fachklinik-fuer-ayurveda-panchakarma?language=de_DE.utf8

See also:  About us …

Please also note our current press release dated 07-08-2020
(PR: Efforts for the approval of therapeutic panchakarmacures –currently only available in German, sorry for the inconvenience. Two versions.)

Strengthen your immune system

Why Ayurveda and especially Panchakarma is good for you

A boosted immune system is best prepared for dangerous germs and all kinds of health challenges.

Ayurveda has developed its effects in a part of the world where it was and still is normal for crowded communities to have contact with each other. Where many people have close contact with each other in a social environment, the immune system has always had a lot to do. Under this influence, the most comprehensive health care system in the world has developed and has provided answers to all kinds of challenges affecting our health for over 5000 years.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma already begin where modern, western medicine does not yet see itself as responsible. As a proven, holistic health system, it always has the whole person in mind. An important part of the traditional, medical oriented Ayurveda and Panchakarma therefore begins with prevention. Prevention is on an equal footing with healing and aftercare. In this health system we therefore also find the tried and tested procedures that reduce stress and are now also recognised as effective by Western medicine.

Yoga exercises, meditation (singing bowl and anti-stress meditation), massages, balanced nutrition, etc. play an important role. Of course, sufficient sleep, exercise in the fresh air, personal hygiene, changing harmful habits and individual therapies are also part of the ancient Indian wisdom, which has also found its expression in Ayurveda and Panchakarma. All these are the most effective measures to strengthen the immune system and reduce stress.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments, from the hands of experienced therapists and Ayurveda doctors provide very good results in the prevention of infectious diseases. It is not a truism that a strong immune system, well prepared for viruses and bacteria, can protect well against a disease. And so, as always, a good, strong immune system is worth its weight in gold. See also: Medicine for the world