Ayurveda fashion – Matching your style

Ayurveda Fashion

Ayurvedamode.deIf you take care of your physical and mental health and know the positive effects of Ayurveda, then we have something for you. Ayurvedamode.de – for you we have made Ayurveda fashion. It is a further step for your way in Ayurveda. Ayurveda fashion stands for a sophisticated, sustainable and mindful style of clothing. Our products are a fair companion through everyday life. We want to offer you a quality that feels good, good on your skin and good in your conscience. In our collection you will find colour-coordinated fashion, matching your style. We have suggestions for scarves, waisted dresses with V-neck, round neckline or collar, trousers, shirts and much more. The models are available either in cotton or natural silk, dyed with traditionally produced natural colours.

Our program:

Our Mission

We firmly believe that a good feeling can only be attracted if the quality of raw materials is excellent, production is carried out responsibly in harmony with local resources and working conditions are dignified and respectful. For this reason we cooperate with a rural, village community in northern Thailand.

The special situation in Northern Thailand

Northern Thailand is a rural region. Small-scale agriculture dominates the picture. The conditions are difficult and the yields of the farms have remained modest over the years, even though progress and technology have made their way here too. Although here and there there are signs of industrialised agriculture, with large-scale farming and intensive use of fertilisers and pharmaceutical chemicals, it is precisely the difficult conditions that have saved the region from serious change. The low-yield, small-scale fields have remained in the hands of small farmers. In the vast majority of cases, these are family farms, which plan from year to year through extensive cultivation of the land. What sounds difficult at first sight has also brought advantages. The way of working requires little capital and is much more environmentally friendly. Problems such as over-indebtedness, over-utilisation or poisoning of the soil have therefore not occurred. Many traditionally producing, rural village communities have survived and created a niche for themselves, which despite all adversities, provide them with satisfaction and modest prosperity. Old values such as cohesion and cooperation have prevailed. This also applies to our village community, from where we obtain a large part of the products and services for our Ayurveda fashion. The village has developed textile production as a niche. The extensive cultivation of cotton and indigo plants, the extraction of natural silk and the further processing of the raw materials, e.g. from the fibre to the finished fabric, is done locally.

Our cooperation partners on site

In our village we work responsibly. From harvesting to spinning, dyeing and weaving, everything is done on the spot. For the tailoring work, experience from outside the village but within the region is used. On the one hand, this ensures work and income for the village and on the other hand it provides good quality and individual textiles for our customers.

The satisfaction is always greatest when it can be shared with others.

Have a look at Ayurvedamode.de